It takes a lot more than a series of zeros to make you a billionaire. The world of investments and capital is tumultuous and strange for most normal people, but that doesn't mean it has to be an obstacle if you want to become a billionaire. If the American dream exists, it is because of people who started from nothing or almost succeeded in reaching heights. But, you have to learn how to create opportunities for yourself, invest smartly, and manage your wealth to make it work for you.
Part1. Create possibilities

1. Find out. People don't become billionaires by accident. Demystify as many factors as possible before setting up your plan, such as interest rates, tax brackets, dividends, etc.
* Take classes online or at a university that teaches economics, read books about investing, and learn the rules. Learn to recognize consumer needs and create a business that meets those wants. New technologies and computing are currently very fashionable.
* Study finance and business drive to learn how to identify market and consumer needs so you can develop business models based on those needs. Learn some in-demand skills like computer programming and new technologies, these are very important ways to get your foot in new media and new ways to make money.
* Read the biographies of famous billionaires to find out how they made their fortunes, such as Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, or Jon Huntsman, Sr. The surest way to amass a lot of money is to manage it properly.
2. Start saving money. You need money to produce money. Take a certain sum from your salary as soon as you receive it and deposit it in a savings account to use for future investments or simply to earn interest.
* Start by deciding what percentage of your salary you can afford to save. Even 20 euros per month will allow you to accumulate a small jackpot over three or four years. If you decide to invest this money in a high-risk investment, you are only going to risk losing what you can afford to lose.
3. Open retirement savings. Savings for retirement is a savings plan that most banks offer that allows you to save money for later. If you want to end up with nine-zero savings, you need to get there as soon as possible. You will increase the interest on your savings and choose to take a certain amount of your savings to invest and earn more money [1].
* Depending on the financial institution you have chosen, you may need to invest a certain amount of money at the beginning or maybe not. Research the different options and discuss them with a financial advisor.
4. Reimburse your late payments on your credit card. It's hard to make money if you already have a debt of any kind hanging in your face. You need to pay off all your student loans and credit card debt as quickly as possible. Annual charges can be as high as 20 or 30%, which means that the money you owe keeps growing if you don't pay it back as soon as possible [2].
5. Make a five-year plan. Calculate an underestimated estimate of the money you could save over five years. Depending on the sum, decide on the best possible use of this money, whether it is an investment, the creation of a business, or simply by letting the money work and earn interest.
* Don't forget your plan. Make sure your ideas stay high on your agenda by writing them down and reviewing them regularly. If you're having trouble keeping your interest in your project, write little notes about your plan and stick them in places you pass by every day, such as on the bathroom mirror or on the chalkboard. of your car.
Part2. Invest

1. Buy real estate. Investing in real estate is a popular way to earn extra money. Properties generally increase in value over time and can provide you with a positive return on your investment. The latter can be reversed, rented, or developed.
* Be careful and don't invest in an artificially inflated market, make sure you can easily pay the monthly mortgage. If you don't know much about the 2008 US mortgage crisis, you really should educate yourself about it and learn some precautions recommended there.
2. Invest in a business. You could make real money over the long term by starting your own business or buying one. Create or choose a business that offers a product or service that you would buy yourself and donate your time and money to improve the product or service. Familiarize yourself with the industry you want to enter and learn to tell the difference between a good investment and a bad one.
* Investing in renewable energies and IT technologies is a good plan for the future. These areas are expected to increase in the coming decades, therefore smart investment today should be made in these areas.
3. Buy and sell stocks. The stock market can be the perfect place to increase your wealth. Watch the markets carefully before jumping in and pay particular attention to stocks that are performing well, as a compilation of this information will allow you to buy smartly in the future. Once you invest, be aware that most stocks go up in value over the long term. Overcome small declines in value if you can and take risks from time to time.
* Dividend reinvestment plans and direct stock purchase plans bypass stockbrokers (and their commissions) by buying directly from companies or their agents. These options are offered by over 1,000 major companies, you can invest a minimum of $20-$30 per month and buy fractional shares of stock.
4. Put your money in money market accounts. These accounts have a higher minimum deposit amount than regular savings accounts, but yield twice as much money as a savings account. High-yield money market accounts are risky (the ability to withdraw the money and influence the investment is limited), but it's a great way to grow your savings by doing nothing.
5. Invest in government bonds. These loans are interest-bearing certificates issued by government agencies, particularly the treasury, which offer no risk of default. Since the government controls the printing press and can print the money it needs to cover the principal (at least in the US), these are relatively safe investments and a good way to diversify the use of your money.
* Talk to a stockbroker you've befriended and maintain a loan you've purchased for several years to diversify your portfolio and keep your money in different places.
Part - 3. Keep your wealth

1. Consult a stockbroker for advice. Your money is only as good as the advice you receive to manage it. If you start accumulating a large sum of money, you are not going to want to spend your time glued to a computer screen to check if the stock market changed by a fraction of a percentage. You probably prefer to be outside and live your life. Surround yourself with good financial advisers and stock brokers that you can trust and who will keep your bank accounts full to the brim.
2. Diversify your portfolio and your investments. Don't keep your money in one place. By diversifying your portfolio and investing in stocks, real estate, mutual funds, bonds, etc., that have been recommended to you by brokers, you ensure that your money will be isolated in different markets that behave differently. different way. If you end up making a risky investment in a brand of sanitary napkins that goes bankrupt, you'll still have sizable amounts of money in other areas [3].
3. Make smart financial decisions. You will find plenty of easy investment schemes and get rich quick traps on the internet aimed at ignorant and gullible people to trick them into making bad decisions. Do some research and commit to saving for the rest of your life and earning money. It is not possible to become a billionaire overnight.
* When you're not sure, don't take unnecessary risks. If you've diversified your investments wisely, it's wiser, in the long run, to let interest accrue and markets fluctuate. Do less to get more. Instead of flailing your money around, wait patiently.
* If something seems too good to be true, it probably isn't... Be careful and analyze the situation from all angles before jumping in.
4. Know when to withdraw. At some point, you're going to have to know when to pull back before the ground caves in under your feet. If you have surrounded yourself with smart brokers, listen to their advice, but also know to trust your instincts.
* If you saw an opportunity to sell a lot and make a profit, do it. Profit remains profit. Even if those stocks end up going up in value the next year, you've still made some extra money that you can reinvest. There is no one way to invest.
5. Adopt the right attitude. If you're going to be a billionaire, you have to have the attitude too. Surround yourself with rich and cultured people, and accept the advice and know-how of people who have more experience.
* Get interested in art, fancy dining, and travel. Consider buying a yacht or other item that shows off your wealth.
* There is a difference between the old rich and the newly rich. New rich is generally a derogatory term for people who have just become rich quickly and in plain sight, who spend a lot of money and live a great lifestyle. If you want to preserve your wealth, learn from the rich elders and move up the ranks.
* Learn to take calculated risks. Your money will earn you interest while it's in the bank, but it'll earn you more if you use it in a smart, if slightly risky way.
* Be creative. If you want to start a business or invest in a company, try to do it in a way no one else has ever considered before.
* You can find the right framework for your work by knowing how to manage your time and by developing good habits. You will get an extra gain to add to your money by saving time and using it to do something else.
* Accept setbacks. It is impossible for everything to work perfectly all the time, it is normal that on the road to fortune and glory you will encounter obstacles and that your grand career will suffer ups and downs. As long as you learn from your mistakes, you should be able to take the losses without too much damage.
* Avoid all scams that promise you to get rich. This can range from people who promise to teach you how to trade, to those who claim they will invest your money for you. Trust-only certified financial advisors. Look for one here.